Product test with the Mobilex Omobic pushrim
Good news for the active wheelchair users - the new Mobilex Omobic pushrims are available in our webshop. These pushrims are designed for both active wheelchair users, professional athletes and users with special needs.
The Omobic Optimum series pushrims provide optimal contact for easy propulsion and braking and are best suited for users with limited hand strength. The P model is powder coated, while the H and ZH models are hard anodised. The F and ZF models, on the other hand, have a 1.5 mm anti-slip coating.
The Omobic pushrims of the Nova, Orbit and Tour series have an anti-slip insert made of environmentally friendly silicone. They provide excellent grip, making the wheelchair more manoeuvrable and comfortable to drive. The Nova P model is powdercoated, while the Nova H, Orbit H and Tour H models are hard-anodised.
The Omobic Ultralight Aluminium, Omobic Magnesium and Omobic Titanium pushrims are particularly light and yet very robust. The Omobic Lizard push rim made of aluminium offers a high grip due to its 1 mm thick silicone coating with a coefficient of friction of 0.7 and is particularly suitable for quadriplegics.

Long-term test by Dom's Wheel World
Dominik from Dom's Wheel World received the Omobic Nova handrim a few months ago and has since put it through its paces. Dominik has recorded the long-term test on video, where he shares his experiences of the past months. The video can be found here: